Peace Affirmation
ENTER A STATE OF CALM AND RELAXATION by listening to the rhythm of your breath (listen to the flow, feel the flow, and experience the calm…)
"God's miracle-working power within helps me to bring peace to the world."
Affirm and repeat this affirmation three times. The vibration created by repeatedly saying these words increases your peacemakers' consciousness. This practice changes your subconscious and allows you to become peace centered in the midst of chaos.
Some optional affirmations:
I bless this situation, may peace and calm surround us.
I bless this challenging (name the situation) may it bring prosperity into my life and the life of others.
The miracle-working power of God within me enables me to experience bliss, peace, and love for humanity.
I choose to accept a calmer, more relaxed approach to life; I share that approach with others.
I am blissful, I savor, preserve, and spread God’s message of peace to others.
Replacing and releasing (emotional cleansing): All situations have their opposites. Therefore, you have the spiritual power to bring the positive and release the negative. Using the vibrational energy from your breath and thoughts, as you inhale, say:
Then, as you exhale, say:
“I release chaos”
Repeat each meditative affirmation 3xs.
Go with the flow of the rhythm of the Universe as you sit in the stillness and let the vibrational energy from the word peace radiate throughout your body.
Focus on the pit of your stomach, your wisdom center, begin to listen to the still small voice, this voice is the voice of the Divine. Ask Divine Spirit what it is you need to "say or do," “change or release" to have inner peace and be peace centered. Listen for Divine Guidance as you wait in silence.
Acceptance: If you lose your focus, begin to listen to the rhythm of your breath. When you receive some understanding about what it is you need to do, return to your physical space and give thanks to the Divine.
Spiritual Practices for Love
LOVE Affirmation:
Enter a state of calm and relaxation as you say this affirming statement of truth about developing love:
"God's Miracle working power of love within me enables me to change the world."
Repeat this affirmation three times. The vibrational energy, created by saying these words repeatedly, increases your spiritual awareness. This allows your desired good to enter your consciousness, thus changing the subconscious that manifests good into your life.
Some optional affirmations:
God is love, and I am love; love changes the world.
My loving attitude changes the world.
I love God, myself, and others; I change the world.
I use the Divine Power of Love; I change the world.
Place everything aside, put your feet flat on the floor (centering your body temple), place your palms up or down (opening your body temple), and close your eyes (shutting out all external distractions).
Begin rhythmic breathing, as you enter into a meditative state focusing on Oneness with the Divine Spirit within.
Release and replace: All situations have their opposites. Therefore, you have the spiritual power to release the negative and bring in the positive. Using the vibrational energy from your breath and thoughts, as you inhale, say:
"Through the Divine spiritual power of love, I visualize love."
Then, as you exhale, say:
"I remove all thoughts of chaos, hate, dishonesty, and disharmony."
Repeat each meditative affirmations 3Xs.
Go with the flow of the rhythm of the Universe.
Ask Divine Spirit, "What is it I need to know or do, change or release to increase my understanding of what it means to love unconditionally?"
Enter silent meditation, as you listen to the still small voice within, waiting to receive guidance from the Divine Spirit.
Accept: When you have received some level of understanding, knowing you have set your desire in motion, bring your focus back to the physical place where you are.
A ThANKSGIVING Prayer Showing Gratitude For The Spiritual Power Of Love
All Mighty God, this Holiday Season, we silence our bodies and minds in recognition of our Oneness with the Divine Spirit. In silence, we give thanks, praise, and love for the many blessings God has provided for us throughout the year, and for the blessings, we will continue to receive.
Never before in recent times have we experienced so much chaos, hate, dishonesty and disharmony at all levels of government and in our daily lives due to the lack of love in the hearts of humankind. This Holiday Season we come together to give special thanks as we understand that we are all blessed with the Divine Spiritual Power of love. We are aware that God is love and we are manifestations of the love of God. Therefore, we are heirs of God's love, strength, and power; for this we say thanks.
We affirm to use this power of love to change the chaos in our lives and change the world. We will use our power of love to bring harmony into our lives and the lives of others. We are aware of the need to display attitudes of love in our homes, on our jobs, and in our communities. We know it is important to show love, care, and concern for all humankind, all creations, especially for the oppressed, and those who may be experiencing physical challenges or grieving the loss of a loved one or a friend.
We affirm that our government officials, local, state and national, will make decisions based on unconditional love, care, and concern for the people they serve. For those who have hate and prejudice feelings in their heart, may they become aware of their love power and replace their negative feelings with love and compassion.
We accept that it is the will of God for all women, men, boys, and girls to live their lives free from chaos and fear, and with dignity and pride. We give thanks for the Divine Spiritual Power of Love through the Christ within. And so It Is.