Love Can Change Us, the Chaos, and the World
Isn't it great to know that in a time of political and social turmoil, during this Holiday season we can join together, and affirm that love can change us, the chaos, and the world. Rev. Dr. Sanders says, the secret to changing the world is understanding and putting into action our God-given Divine Power of Love. She states, we must have a clear understanding of the kind of love we need to develop in order to change the world. We need metaphysical love, sometimes referred to as agape love or spiritual love. Metaphysical love is the pure essence of being that binds together the whole human family (Truth Unity). 1 Corinthian 13:13 states, "And now abide faith, hope, and love these three; but the greatest of these is love." Of all the spiritual powers we have inherited from God, love is the most powerful. Love is the harmonizing force that brings oneness with all and desires good for all. Love is sharing, bringing together, prospering, renewing, and uniting. God is love, and we are an expression of Gods' power of love. We have inherited this power of love from God to meet the challenges in our life. Using the power of love enables us to change ourselves, the chaos, and the world.
First, let's find out what Jesus said about using love to embrace chaos and bring about change during his time. Jesus, his disciples, and the people of his time spoke Aramaic. The Aramaic word for "love" is “huba,” it means warm, kindle, and set on fire. Matthew 5: 44, "Yet I am saying to you: Love your enemies and bless anyone who is cursing you and do good to them who are hating you: and pray for those who are oppressing you and are persecuting you." When confronted with adversity and confusion, Jesus' teaching stresses the importance of reconciliation and being peaceful, by showing compassion, kindness, and being amicable. This verse is not talking about love based on emotion or passion. Jesus' teachings on love stress developing, nourishing, and encouraging God-like qualities in humanity. (Errico, Message of Matthew 19.)
Today, we can change ourselves, the chaos, and the world around us by using our God-given spiritual Power of Love. There are three things we must do; we must practice loving God, loving ourselves, and loving others. How do we practice loving God? First, let's find out the relationship between God, love, and us. The answer is God is love, and we are One with the Divine Spirit we call God. We are creations of the spiritual image of God. Therefore, as manifestations of the spiritual image of God, we have the inherited spiritual power of love to overcome all situations and all chaos in our lives. When we accept our inherited Divine power of Love, we can fulfill the will of God. We become One with God and One with the Love of God and the will of God. The will of God is our will and our purpose for being. We accept God's will for humanity to have peace of mind, wellness, and prosperity, not chaos. We show our love for God by communing with God, giving thanks, and praising God by saying affirmations, doing meditation, and praying.
We must practice loving ourselves. Self-love is all about knowing that God is love, and understanding that we are an expression of God’s love. Becoming aware, of the Divine power of love within, enables us to release our fears, loneliness, and selfishness, as well as love ourselves. Self-love is about not putting limits on ourselves or comparing ourselves to others, but accepting ourselves as the unique persons, we were created and meant to be. When we accept ourselves, we surrender and accept guidance from the Divine. We experience harmony and emotional balance as we stay connected to the spiritual power of love. Last but not least, the power of love externalizes as our heart and circulatory system. So, a part of self-love is taking good care of our love organs.
We must practice loving others, by showing humility. When we interact with others, we must show them kindness. Yes, even in today's competitive society we can practice valuing others opinions, listening to others, being less argumentative and being less arrogant. Loving others is about forgiveness; it enables us to forgive others and forgive ourselves. Loving others is about having an open mind that frees us from thoughts of rejection and the need to prove ourselves to others. Practicing humility enables us to acknowledge when we are wrong, forgive ourselves and others, and seek opportunities to help others. Practicing humility is all about being able to communicate effectively. We must be willing to open up, become poor in spirit, poor in pride or humble, and free ourselves of fears and thoughts of rejection and having the need to prove our point or win an argument. When we have a loving attitude toward others and help others to develop an attitude of love we change ourselves, others and the world around us.
In summary, to love God is to love ourselves and others. We must remember Jesus' message, “the poor in spirit shall inherit the kingdom." The Aramaic meaning for "poor in spirit" is to be humble and being humble enables us to practice humility. Individuals and nations, who practice humility, show love and do deeds of good for each other will bring world peace. Everyone regardless of race or creed will be able to live their lives free of fear and with dignity and respect. Individuals, neighbors, employees, employers, and Big Business will have love, care, and regard for each other's best interests. Love will restore honesty, harmony, and peace in our lives. Yes, together with the power of love we can change ourselves, the chaos, and the world.